geologyThe marine geological research is related to marine geological mapping to gain a knowledge on the geological structure and quality of the seabed. The geological mapping is the beginning of the systematic geological mapping of the sea bottom of the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea. Selected pilot areas serve to develop a common methodology for geological mapping for all intersted institutions in Croatia. The purpose of the marine geological mapping is the knowledge of marine environments for planning of protected marine areas and habitats. The marine geological research includes geomorphological characteristics of the coast and the seabed, coastal migration, Quateranry sediment thickness and sea level rise, using combined geophysical researches (side scan and multibeam sounders) and multidisciplinary researches of sediment cores. These methodology allows a reconstruction of Quaternary environment, determination of local sea level changes, erosion processes and the origin of sediment. The marine geological mapping is provided through three projects: EMODnet, LoLADRIA i QMAD .
Interpretation of geophysical profile recorded by sub-bottom profiler in the Novigrad Sea
Geophysical profile recorded in the Lošinj channel area with interpreted seismic units.