Map Portal Earthquake Geology Studies in Central Croatia is published.
Map Portal je rezultat projekta Earthquake Geology Studies in Central Croatia: active faults and seismic potential (voditelj na HGI: dr. sc. B. Kordić) u suradnji HGI-CGS, INGV I Talianjske Ambasade u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Published Maps of Critical Mineral Deposits in Europe
Republika Hrvatska postala punopravna članica EPOS ERIC-a
HGI imenovan nacionalnim koordinatorom
Hrvatski geološki institut potpisao je programski ugovor s Ministarstvom znanosti i obrazovanja o javnom financiranju.
4. Europska regionalna konferencija IAEG-a (EUROENGEO 2024)
Dubrovnik Palace, 8. do 12.10.2024. godine
Objavljena je nova mrežna stranica projekta GSEU – Geological Service for Europe. Na stranici možete pogledati sve potrebne informacije o projektu i registrirati se na GSEU bilten.
Istraživanja u Sivoj Istri
(promo video)
Međunarodna konferencija o reljefnim oblicima, procesima i evoluciji morskog dna
Participation of project MicroDrink at Aquatic Plastic Microplastic Assessment Workshop
EMODnet Geology sastanak u Finskoj
The library of the Croatian Geological Institute is primarily intended for employees, but some services are also available to external users.
The Archives of the Croatian Geological Institute stores geological documentation related to the activities of the Institute and its legal predecessors, and the oldest dates back to the first half of the 19th century.
Najnoviji objavljeni radovi
A distal record of the Middle Miocene silicic eruption of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region stored within the Dinaride Lake System: implications for tephrostratigraphy and emplacement of volcaniclastic deposits
Holocene palaeoenvironmental development of Prokljan Lake (Krka River, Croatia): Evolution from a calcareous tufa barrier system to a karst estuary
Geological Assessment of Faults in Digitally Processed Aerial Images within Karst Area
High-resolution seismic record of the Quaternary palaeoenvironments along a Dalmatian-type coast (Lošinj Channel, Adriatic Sea)
Influence of changing water mass circulation on detrital component and carbon burial of Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments in the eastern-central Mid-Adriatic Deep
Hydrochemical characterization of a Dinaric karst catchment in relation to emerging organic contaminants
Middle Triassic basaltic pyroclastic rocks from the Mt. Medvednica ophiolite mélange (NW Croatia): petrology, geochemistry and tectono-magmatic setting
Mammal-bearing Pleistocene deposits, Vranić, southwestern Pannonian Basin System
Vegetation response to climate change during an Early Jurassic hyperthermal event (Jenkyns Event) from Northern China (Ordos Basin)
Facies architecture, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Middle Triassic volcaniclastic deposits of Mt. Ivanščica (NW Croatia): evidence of bimodal volcanism in the Alpine-Dinaridic transitional zone
mobile application
Landslade registration
The inventory of the coseismic ground failures and related processes
Basic Geological Map of the Republic of Croatia 1:300 000 (WMS) 1:300 000 (WMS)
Josipa Maslač – The preliminary results of tectono-geomorphological research of the Žumberak-Samoborsko Gorje and Vukomeričke Gorice areas
11. 09. 2024., 13:00h
Poziv na 9. sjednicu Znanstvenog vijeća Hrvatskog geološkog instituta
02. 09. 2024., 09:30h
Poziv na usmeno testiranje za radno mjesto: stručni suradnik/ica (geološke struke) na određeno vrijeme do završetka projekta MicroDrink
06. 02. 2024., 09:00-10:30h
Poziv na 1. sjednicu Upravnog vijeća Hrvatskog geološkog instituta
23. 05. 2024., 10:00h