Croatian Geological Survey is the largest research institute in the field of geoscience and geological engineering in the Republic of Croatia. Geological data represent the foundation for solving many national projects such as drinking water supply, water and soil protection, transport infrastructure, urban planning, definition of mineral raw material and environmental resources.
Croatian Geological Survey
Human resources are overall knowledge, skills, abilities, creative opportunities, motivation, loyalty of an organization (or society). Human resources management thus implies care of people within an organization, which means finding appropriate employees who have good skills to perform a certain business function and also abilities to train other employees. After 1997, when the HGI-CGS became a public scientific survey, the intensity of scientific work and research increased to that extent that since 1997 to 2019, more than 55 researchers made their doctoral dissertation and the total number of doctors increased from 12 to 45. Geological research also requires a large number of professional employees related to field work, laboratories and computer activities. The number of employees in the period from 2014 to 2019 ranges from 113-117. A total of 45 employees have a doctoral degree, and 35 employees are employed in scientific positions.
The Croatian Geological Survey cooperates with many related institutions, organizations and faculties, and as such has been recognized in the International Academic Community, as you can see by many active international research projects in the Survey.
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