Geological Mapping Programme
Basic Engineering Geological Map
Basic Engineering Maps are synthesized engineering maps of different, mostly small and medium scales (1:25.000 and smaller), which enables the development and construction in the Republic of Croatia in accordance with the geological environment and thus ensures the safety, durability and economy of the facilities, and in specially environmental protection. Infrastructural development of the Republic of Croatia requires anthropogenic interventions within the space (residential settlements, roads, surface and underground mines, waste landfills, accumulations, retention, etc.), whereby the application of knowledge of engineering geology features and processes in the investigated area is important.
As a part of Project, we provide also researches and analysis of engineering geological phenomena and processes that endanger people and their property (geological hazards).
The results of researches can be used in society and the economy in production of: state, county, city and municipal spatial plans; maps of engineering geological liabilities; Hazard and Risk Maps; microseizmic zonations; conceptual design in construction, mining, electricity, water management; studies of impact on the environment; Environmental protection and evaluation of the benefits of the terrain for the construction of capital infrastructure.facilities.
Given that the attempt to secure the program funding has failed, activities on this fundamental project are funded exclusively from ours sources. Therefore activities are based on the collection and storage of data that will be used for production of basic engineering maps after eventually long-term stable financing.
For this reason, we collect and store data about characteristic and specific engineering geological features of units and sets from other projects, and we create cadastre of engineering geological processes and phenomena that can serve for production of Basic Engineering Geological Map. Filling of landslide cadastre on web portal "Landslide Report" is resumed, also e produce maps and instructions for geohazard maps construction in small scale.