Basic Hydrogeological Map of Baranja - BAKA
For the purpose of economic development, especially agriculture, it is necessary to have publicly available data on the morphological and hydrogeological conditions of the area (list of hydrogeological objects, transmissivity and protection of aquifers, available groundwater storage, groundwater quality, geomorphological features, etc.). The potential for agricultural development in eastern Croatia is high, but there is a lack of characterization of the basic strategic resource, groundwater, at the local level.
In the area of Baranja, a historically agricultural region with a rapid development of modern economy and tourism, a large amount of groundwater is available. This is evident from the available literature, but the data on water intakes are of a local nature. That is why it is necessary to consolidate the data and create hydrogeological maps and databases on a local and regional scale.
As part of the BAKA project, detailed regional and local characterization of aquifer systems and groundwater will be carried out. The methodological approach will include:
- collection and reinterpretation of available geological and hydrogeological data and creation of a database using a standardized methodology;
- hydrogeomorphological and pedological characterization of the terrain surface;
- geophysical research;
- geological and hydrogeological reconstruction of aquifer systems;
- hydrogeological and hydrochemical monitoring of groundwater.
The main goal of the research is the creation of the Basic Hydrogeological Map (OHGK) of Baranja using a multidisciplinary approach to research (hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, geophysics, pedology, geomorphology). Hydrogeological research will enable a general understanding of hydrogeological systems and their hydraulic parameterization; hydrochemical research will define the quality of groundwater; geophysics, pedology and geomorphology will describe surface and subsurface features and the connection between groundwater and surface water. The results of the aforementioned research will be consolidated in the Basic Hydrogeological Map of Baranja, which will be a document with a key role in sustainable water resources management and environmental protection.
The published Basic Hydrogeological Map of Baranja will be the basis of future detailed research (hydrogeological modelling, storage assessment, hydrochemical processes, design of future water catchments and integrated water supply management, etc.) and international cooperation on research projects of transboundary aquifers.
Principal Investigator / project leader: dr. sc. Kosta Urumović
Hrvatski geološki institut:
dr. sc. Marco Pola,
dr. sc. Igor Karlović,
dr. sc. Branko Kordić,
Ivan Kosović,
Marko Copić
Faculty of Agronomy, University of Zagreb:
prof. dr. sc. Vedran Rubinić
Project duration: January 1st, 2024 – December 31st, 2027
Project Category: research project monitored by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021–2026 of the European Union – NextGenerationEU
Financing amount: 97.200,00 €
Status: Active