Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey


Contacts: Nikolina Ilijanić, geol

   Ozren Hasan, dipl. ing geol

Sediment cores are physical samples drilled from the bottom of the sea and lakes. Sediment cores drilled in the territory of the Republic of Croatia are stored in the Croatian Core Repository (CCR). The storage facility is located on the premises of the Croatian Geological Survey (room number 9) and comprises 5.5 m2 of refrigerated space with modern storage shelves.

The repository consists of a cooling chamber (~4°C) containing sediment cores collected from shallow seas and lakes along the eastern Adriatic coast. It currently contains sediment cores with a total length of over 600 meters. The cores are archived up to a length of 150 cm in plastic tubes ("D-tubes") or vacuumed. The archive samples taken in plastic bags are also stored in separate plastic boxes. The sediment core samples were processed and analyzed by scientists, PhD and post-doc students of the HGI-CGS and their domestic and foreign collaborators, mostly funded by projects of Croatian Science Fund (LoLADRIA, QMAD).

The working halves of sediment cores are stored in a smaller cooling chamber (dimensions 80x300x125 cm) located in the Sample Preparation Laboratory in room number 16. The Sample Preparation Laboratory contains equipment for processing sediment cores from plastic liners (cutter, stand, wooden molds, spatulas), photography equipment, dryer, agate mortars and pestles of different sizes. 

Individual samples of sediment cores can be requested for scientific research, and the final decision regarding the distribution of samples is made by the head of the Department of Mineral Resources and Marine Geology.

Croatian core repository

Cooling chamber for sediment cores of smaller dimensions.

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