Field equipment
Contact: Ozren Hasan, dipl. ing. geol.
Multibeam sonar
Multibeam (MBS) WASSP S3 is a device that emits fan-shaped acoustic waves through the water column to the bottom and measures the exact depth according to the reflection from the bottom. WASSP S3 uses simultaneously 224 side-directed beams with a beam width of 120°, while the sound transmitter frequency is 160 kHz. For positioning, the device uses the Hemisphere V103 GPS GNSS antenna with SBAS corrections, while the inertial unit is used for correction of roll, pitch and heave. It can also use positioning of the RTK system (link). The optimal depth to which the device can be used is 200 m and the maximum is 400 m. In addition to depth, this device also measures the intensity of return waves (backscatter), which depends on the sediment grain size and the consolidation.
The multibeam is used for mapping of the type and geomorphological characteristics of the bottom. This enables the acquisition of better data for modeling sea level rise in the past, as well as for detecting the position and morphology of underwater freshwater springs.
Submerged tufa barriers in the Krka River estuary.
Submerged islands with distinct marine terraces.