Field equipment
Contact: Ozren Hasan, dipl. ing. geol.
Eijkelkamp sediment and soil drilling equipment
It is used for sampling of undisturbed soil and sediments up to a depth of 10 meters. The set consists of a gasoline percussion drill (Atlas Copco Cobra TT), a system of cores and drill rods, and a patent for extracting the column from the borehole. The set includes cores with a diameter of 10 cm, with lengths of 50 cm and 100 cm, a core with a length of 200 cm with a diameter of 50 cm, and a core with a length of 100 cm with an inner plastic tube for sampling weakly consolidated (loose, very moist) soil.
For sampling of hard soils, an Eijkelkamp auger is used, with which it is possible to sample material up to a depth of one meter and a diameter of three centimeters. The tool is most often used as a test for a hard substrate.
Eijkelkamp percussion drill (Cobra TT).