Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey


Numerical modeling as a tool for evaluating the renewability of geothermal resources: the case study of the Euganean Geothermal System (NE Italy)

This work was done in collaboration with the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ).

The renewability of geothermal resources is related to the physical and geological processes favoring the circulation and heating of thermal waters. The renewability of the Euganean Geothermal System (Veneto region, NE Italy) was evaluated through fluid flow and heat transport numerical simulations. The simulations were based on a detailed hydrogeological reconstruction that included the major regional geological heterogeneities. Furthermore, a heterogeneous permeability field was employed to reproduce the local fracturing of the thermal aquifers. The model results highlight the role played by the local structural elements and the regional crustal heat flow that enhance the regional to local fluid flow developing the Euganean thermal anomaly. These results can be used for planning site-specific exploitation scenarios of the Euganean geothermal resource without compromising its future preservation.

The article is available at the following link:

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