Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey


Međunarodna konferencija 5th IAH CEG Conference 2022

Međunarodna konferencija 5th IAH CEG Conference 2022 održana je u Rogaškoj Slatini u Sloveniji u razdoblju od 05. do 07. listopada 2022. godine. Znanstvena savjetnica Hrvatskog geološkog instituta Tamara Marković održala je na konferenciji predavanje pod naslovom: Monitoring of thermal waters in Croatia – the chemical and quantity aspect: case study NW Croatia , dok je Igor Karlović održao predavanje pod naslovom: Nitrate transport modelling in the Varaždin alluvial aquifer koje je usko povezano sa nedavno objavljenim znanstvenim člankom u časopisu Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies: Numerical groundwater flow and nitrate transport assessment in alluvial aquifer of Varaždin region, NW Croatia (doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101084).

5th IAH CEG Conference 2022

The international conference 5th IAH CEG Conference 2022 was held in Rogaška Slatina in Slovenia in the period from October 5 to 7, 2022. Scientific advisor of the Croatian Geological Survey, Tamara Marković presented a lecture entitled: Monitoring of thermal waters in Croatia – the chemical and quantity aspect: case study NW Croatia, while Igor Karlović presented a lecture entitled: Nitrate transport modeling in the Varaždin alluvial aquifer, which is closely related to a recently published scientific article in the journal Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies: Numerical groundwater flow and nitrate transport assessment in alluvial aquifer of Varaždin region, NW Croatia (doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101084).

Predavanje Igor Karlović pod naslovom: Nitrate transport modelling in the Varaždin alluvial aquifer

Predavanje dr. sc. Tamare Marković pod naslovom Monitoring of thermal waters in Croatia – the chemical and quantity aspect: case study NW Croatia

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