Hrvatski geološki institut

Hrvatski geološki institut

Hrvatski geološki institut

Hrvatski geološki institut

Hrvatski geološki institut

Hrvatski geološki institut

Hrvatski geološki institut


WCOGS Webinar : Responding to societal needs with 3D geology: An international perspective 17th & 19th November 2020.

Prezentacije i diskusije WCOGS Webinar-a os 17. studenog nalaze se na:

The Geological Survey of Canada, Illinois State Geological Survey, British Geological Survey, Alberta Geological Survey, Minnesota Geological Survey, and TNO, Geological Survey of the Netherlands have organized a two-part webinar series on how Geological Survey Organizations (GSOs) have been helping society face economic and environmental challenges for over 150 years. The technological transformation of geoscience is presenting new opportunities for GSOs, and the wider geoscience community, to respond to the societal challenges of our time, and lay the foundation for a sustainable future. Three-dimensional geological modelling is providing a valuable tool for informed decision making and risk reduction – from planning urban infrastructure, managing groundwater resources, and sourcing renewable energy. To capitalize on this capability, new data infrastructures are required to share and integrate information across government and the private sector.

This webinar series is championed by the World Community of Geological Surveys and will be presented through the American Geosciences Institute Webinar platform.

This two-part webinar series will feature leaders in the field, presenting the latest developments, and will be of interest to students, academics, private sector practitioners, and other government agencies.

Part 1: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 10h00 EST / 16h00 CET | 1 hour 45 min
Part 2: Thursday, November 19, 2020 10h00 EST / 16h00 CET | 1 hour 45 min

Register at

We encourage you to distribute this information to anyone who may be interested. Over 400 participants have registered so far.

Please contact Hazen Russell at with any questions you may have about this workshop.

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