Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey


The field equipment includes equipment for sampling of an undisturbed sequence of loose sediments (soils and sediments) - an Eijkelkamp percussion drill (Cobra TT) for sampling to a depth of about 10 m, and an Eijkelkamp auger for sampling up to a depth of about one meter. An undisturbed sequence of lacustrine and marine sediments can be sampled with a floating platform “Q2” equipped with a piston corer (UWITEC). The length of cored sediments can reach about 10 m and sampling can be performed up to a water depth of 100 m.

The geophysical equipment for studies of the sea and lake subsurface includes various sonars that are based on propagation of the acoustic waves. Side-scan sonar (SSS) and multibeam (MBS) are used for studies of the sea or lake bed, at a depth range up to 400 m. The sub-bottom profiler (SBP) is used for penetration into the subsurface. Precise positioning is insured using real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS positioning system.

Fieldwork equipment includes:

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