dr. sc. Željka Brkić
Znanstveni interesi
- Izotopi u podzemnim vodama
- Starost podzemne vode
- Tok podzemne vode kroz krovinske naslage
- Matematičko modeliranje u hidrogeologiji
- 2013–danas – Hidrogeolog, Hrvatski geološki institut
- 2003-2013 – Predstojnica Zavoda za hidrogeologiju i inženjersku geologiju, Hrvatski geološki institut
- 1991–2003 – Hidrogeolog, Hrvatski geološki institut
- 2007–2012 – predavač “Odlagališta krutog otpada”, Tehničko veleučilište Zagreb
- 1995–2002 – asistent “Hidrogeologija”, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Geotehnički fakultet
- 1995–1999 – Doktorska disertacija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, RGNF
- 1992–1995 – Magistarski rad, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, PMF
- 1985–1990 – Diplomski studij, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zajednički studij RGNF-a i PMF-a
- Kompjutorske kompetencije: Microsoft Office package, Visual Modlflow, ArcGis, Statistica
- Strani jezici: Engleski jezik
- Uzorkovanje i terenska ispitivanja (podzemna voda)
Projekti i suradnje
- TRANITAL – Origin, fate and transport modelling of nitrate in the Varaždin alluvial aquifer; HRZZ; 2017-2021.
- DARLINGe – Danube Region Leading Geothermal Energy; Interreg Danube Transnational Programme; 2017-2019.
- ISTRA-HIDRO – “Sustainable management of transboundary groundwater between the Trieste and Kvarner Gulf” – SI-HR European Territorial Cooperation, 2014-2015.
- CC-WaterS – ”Climate Change and Impacts on Water Supply”– South East Europe; 2009-2012.
- IAEA-TC (International Atomic Energy Agency – Technical Cooperation) CRO/8/007: ”Using Isotope Tracers as a Tool for Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment in the County of Split, Dalmatia”, 2007-2008.
- Nacionalni projekti: voditelj projekata vezanih za primjenu EU Okvirne direktive o podzemnim vodama u Hrvatskoj, voditelj projekata ili suradnik na projektima vezanim za korištenje i zaštitu podzemnih voda
- Hrvatsko geološko društvo (HGD)
- International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
- Hrvatsko hidrološko društvo (HHD)
- Željka Brkić Crosbi (https://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=189785)
- Željka Brkić Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.hr/citations?user=Y8w2AwQAAAAJ&hl=en)
Najznačajniji radovi (5-10 radova)
Brkić, Ž., Kuhta, M. & Hunjak, T. (2018): Groundwater flow mechanism in the well-developed karst aquifer system in the western Croatia: insights from spring discharge and water isotopes. Catena, 161, 14-26.
Brkić, Ž. (2017): The relationship of the geological framework to the Quaternary aquifer system in the Sava River valley (Croatia). Geologia Croatica, 70 (3), 201-213.
Brkić, Ž., Briški, M. & Marković, T. (2016): Use of hydrochemistry and isotopes for improving the knowledge of groundwater flow in a semiconfined aquifer system of the Eastern Slavonia (Croatia). Catena, 142, 153-165.
Borović, S., Marković, T., Larva, O., Brkić, Ž. & Mraz, V. (2016). Mineral and Thermal Waters in the Croatian Part of the Pannonian Basin. In: Mineral and Thermal Waters of Southeastern Europe. Papić, P. (ed.), Springer, 31-45.
Brkić, Ž., Urumović, K. & Briški, M. (2013): Post audit analysis of a groundwater level prediction model in developed semiconfined aquifer system. Water Resources Management, 27 (9), 3349-3363.
Marković, T., Brkić, Ž. & Larva, O. (2013): Using hydrochemical data and modelling to enhance the knowledge of groundwater flow and quality in an alluvial aquifer of Zagreb, Croatia. Science of the Total Environment, 458-460, 508-516.
Kuhta, M. & Brkić, Ž. (2013): Seasonal Temperature Variations of Lake Vrana on the Island of Cres and Possible Influence of Global Climate Changes. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering (USA), 4, 225-237.
Kuhta, M., Stroj, A. & Brkić, Ž. (2012): Hydrodynamic characteristics of Mt. Biokovo foothill springs in Croatia. Geologia Croatica, 65 (1), 41-51.
Brkić, Ž., Larva, O. & Urumović, K. (2010): Quantity status of groundwater in alluvial aquifers in northern Croatia. Geologia Croatica, 63 (3), 283-298.
Larva, O., Marković, T. & Brkić, Ž. (2009): Problems with High Concentrations of Mn and Fe at the Pumping Site Petruševac – Zagreb (Croatia). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 73, Issue 13, Supplement 1 (Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts)
Kuhta, M. & Brkić, Ž. (2008): Water Tracing Tests in the Dinaric Karst of Croatia. Proceedings na CD-u, XXXVI IAH Congress: Integrating Groundwater Science and Human Well-being, Toyama, 388-389.