Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey


National Competitive Projects

Revealing the Middle Triassic Paleotethyan Geodynamics Recorded in the Volcano-Sedimentary Successions of NW Croatia (GOST)

During middle Triassic, the area of western Paleotethys, specifically the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian System, experienced intensive magmatic activity along the carbonate platform margins. Accordingly, understanding the volcano-sedimentary successions is key knowledge to unveil the geodynamics. This project will, therefore, focus on area encompasses the mountain range of NW Croatia (Ivanščica Mt., Strahinjščica Mt., Kuna gora Mt., Desinić gora Mt., Ravna gora Mt., Žumberačka gora Mt.). The focus of this proposal is volcanic/volcaniclastic rocks interstratified within middle Triassic marine sedimentary sequences. We aim to study the volcano-sedimentary associations from the perspective of various geological sub-disciplines following a modern approach where we will integrate mineralogical, petrological, geochemical, paleontological, sedimentological, isotopic and structural data to illuminate the tectonic history of the area. Data will be acquired using multiple analytical methods and techniques along with the radiometric dating. Processing and synthesis of results will shed light on genesis, characterization and crystallization time of primary magmas. It will furthermore enable reconstruction of the geotectonic setting of the formation of the volcanic rocks and will provide insights into physico-chemical conditions of post-consolidation weathering and diagenetic processes. Sedimentological analyses will be performed in order to define depositional environments of volcano-sedimentary deposits, whereas biostratigraphic and isotopic data will constrain stratigraphic span of volcanic activity. Results will enable new inferences on the occurrences as well as modes, conditions, and time of formation of volcano-sedimentary successions. Such approach will eventually lead to chronological reconstruction of tectono-magmatic evolution during the inception of Mesozoic, which will serve as the framework for a new petrogenetic and sedimentological model for the middle Triassic.

Project webpage:

Project leader: Slovenec Damir, PhD

  • Croatian Geological Survey, Zagreb:
    Slovenec Damir Belak Mirko, Grgasović Tonći, Horvat Marija, kukoč Duje, Vukovski Matija (PhD student)
  • Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Zagreb:
    Smirčić Duje, Tomljenović Bruno (adviser)
  • Texas Tech University, Lubbock:
    Šegvić Branimir, Zanoni Giovanni
  • Geological Survey Of Slovenia, Ljubljana:
    Kolar Jurkovšek Tea
  • Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts SAZU, Ljubljana:
    Goričan Špela

Project duration: 01.12.2019.-1.12.2023.


Project Category: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ)

Financing amount:

Status: Active

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