Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey

Croatian Geological Survey


Annual Report 2021

Godišnje izvješće 2020

Za Novosti: dr. sc. Staša Borović, urednica

Godišnje izvješće Hrvatskoga geološkog instituta za 2021. godinu izašlo je iz tiska i dostupno je na poveznici

Concept of the report follows a year-long tradition, presenting the work conducted at HGI-CGS in the previous year through thematic chapters and the Introduction by the Director..

Cjelina HGI-CGS: organizacija, brojke i činjenice obuhvaća podatke o organizacijskoj strukturi, zaposlenicima, proračunu, znanstvenoj infrastrukturi, zavodima HGI-CGS-a i Geološkoj službi.

Rad na temeljnim projektima geološkog kartiranja tijekom 2021. godine, te plan za 2022., opisani su u cjelini Program geoloških karata. Nakon toga su popisani projekti koji su se provodili tijekom 2021. godine prema izvorima financiranja (Obzor 2020, Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, fondovi Europske unije te projekti u suradnji s privredom). Predstavljeni su odabrani projekti financirani iz pojedinih mehanizama. U cjelini Događanja opisan je rad Geoznanstvenog sata te dodjela nagrada i priznanja.

U cjelini Publikacije prikazan je rad časopisa Geologia Croatica te bibliografija znanstvenih radova koje su djelatnici instituta objavili tijekom 2021. godine, kao i popis u toj godini izrađenih stručnih publikacija. U cjelini Doktorske disertacije ukratko su predstavljeni radovi kolegice Jasmine Martinčević Lazar i kolege Krešimira Petrinjaka.

We hope you will enjoy reading the report and encourage you to contact us in case you wish to learn more about our work.



The new Annual report of the HGI-CGS for the year 2021 has been released from press, and is available at the link

Concept of the report follows a year-long tradition, presenting the work conducted at HGI-CGS in the previous year through thematic chapters and the Introduction by the Director.

Chapter HGI-CGS: organisation, numbers and facts provides the data on organisational structure, employees, budget, research infrastructure, departments of the HGI-CGS and the Geological survey.

Work on the basic geological mapping projects during 2021, and the plan for 2022, are described in the Geological mapping programme section. After that, the projects implemented during 2021 are listed according to the funding sources (Horizon 2020, Croatian Science Foundation, European Union funds and commercial projects). Selected projects funded by different mechanisms were presented. The Events section describes the work of the Geoscience hour and the annual awards.

The Publications section presents the work of the journal Geologia Croatica and bibliography of scientific papers published by the staff of the institute during 2021, as well as a list of professional publications produced in that year. In the Doctoral theses chapter, the theses of colleagues Jasmina Martinčević Lazar and Krešimir Petrinjak were briefly presented.

We hope you will enjoy reading the report and encourage you to contact us in case you wish to learn more about our work.

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